Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What is your mission?

Boy, I'm so glad that other folks share their brains with us sometimes.

As many of you know, I've been spending a lot of time pitching and helping with mission statements for a few of my students. I think it's a worthy bit of introspection, especially when changing careers or starting a family, etc. It really helps to be grounded BEFORE things happen that demand your attention.

This guy explains why Apple gets us to buy almost anything they decide to sell. It's all about tribal values. It's about mission orientation.

Apple operates on by starting with "Why?" WHY do we bother to make a product? WHY would anyone want this product?

Other folks start with the "What" and "HOW." WHAT do we do? [We make widgets.] HOW do we do it? [What is the actual transformation process, capital, etc.]

People are only sold from the WHY perspective. In other words, we don't buy Apple to get a computer, we buy Apple because we know their focus is on what the computer is for. It's a shared vision of ease of use and fault-tolerance and ... mission focus. We want to USE a computer, not just buy one with all of the bells and whistles.

The analogues are obvious:

WHY do we have an undergrad curriculum?

WHY do we have a grad curriculum?

WHY would anyone want to put themselves through the paces to get a degree?

Some of us can answer these questions. I hear "WHY do I bother?" from other faculty and administrators nearly every day -- all of these people KNOW why they bother, it's a rhetorical question for most of us.

Whatever you do everyday, individually, I challenge you to 1) watch the video, and 2) ask yourself WHY you do what you do. The answer is really really important to know in advance of life's unexpected challenges.

Write down something about all of the different roles you play in your life, and WHY you do them. That's a start.

And if you've never read Cameron Crowe's mission statement piece from Jerry Maguire, you should. It's not the first time I've posted it, and I'm sure it won't be the last.

To do the mission, you have to know the mission.

Apple knows their mission.

EDIT: Charlie sends in a reference to this TED video from Bobby McFerrin. Don't worry, be happy.

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