Saturday, May 8, 2010

ObamaCare, Round One

I hate to personalize things here, but I know some of your guys read this for insight and ideas and I have to call 'em as I see 'em.

Yesterday, we had the last in a series of meetings about my son's progress in cognitive behavioral therapy. As you know, he's been doing this for a few months now, and we're seeing tremendous progress very quickly. As some of you know, it's almost $50k per year without insurance.

We found out yesterday at the meeting that he's doing very well, and making tremendous progress. It's very stressful on everyone in the family, and very costly, but it's paying off at this point, and he's starting to accelerate in his progress as well. In other words, we're seeing breakthroughs at each interim evaluation over the past couple of months.

Last night, though, we found out that our insurance program is proposing changes that will more than double our out-of-pocket for therapy during the year. Basically, they are considering a doubling of the stop-loss limit and a halving of the out-of-network copay. I'm not sure where the extra $4K per year will come from if it goes through.

Is this change random? Heck no. It's in response to a need to get ready for 2014. Changes were coming, for sure, but now with a mandate to cover more folks by 2014, this kind of thing is going to touch everyone.

The only way to give less to more people is to take more from the few. Can't work any other way.

Those of you who are thinking you're immune to this crap in Washington, think again.

Sooner or later, the bell will toll for thee.

In the immortal words of Edward Rooney, High School Principal Extraordinaire: "Pucker up, Buttercup."

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