Wednesday, May 6, 2009

From @ RISK, and Palisade, FREE SEMINARS!!!!!!

Got this email today from Jaime (Johnson) Weisberg at Palisade:

I’d like to remind you about Palisade’s upcoming DecisionTools Energy Risk Forum and complimentary Academic Symposium in Houston May 21-22.

The Energy Risk Forum will be held at the Hyatt Regency on May 21. The one-day event features customer case studies and specialized software training to demonstrate how @RISK and DecisionTools risk analysis software are being used to solve real-world problems faced by the oil, gas, and energy industry.

The Academic Symposium is a free one-day event at the University of Houston on May 22nd. The symposium will demonstrate how the DecisionTools Suite can easily enable quantitative risk and decision analysis to be added into academic syllabi.


Topics at the Energy Risk Forum will include:

· Hands-on software training on @RISK, PrecisionTree, and RISKOptimizer

· Cross-border pipelines and political risk

· Construction and project risk analysis

· Environmental liability estimation

· Natural gas market optimization

· Subsea oil and gas field optimization

· And more

View the full schedule and register:

Topics at the Academic Symposium will include:

· Overview of the DecisionTools Suite 5.0

· Teaching business leaders how to make good decisions

· Selecting the right distribution for modeling

· Capital budgeting

· Capital inequities and sports wagering

· And more

View the full schedule:

There is no charge for this event. To register, please contact Jaime Weisberg: mailto: or call 800-432-RISK x 311.

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