Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Here comes the scary stuff. Virtual doctor visits.

Ahead of the passage of ObamaCare, we heard all kinds of claims about "cost savings" if we federalized healthcare for everyone. Here's the dirty little secret: federal healthcare cost savings depends on technology such as this. Doctors can wirelessly monitor a patient's blood sugar and administer insulin remotely.

This is the kind of thing being evaluated by the new "Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation".

What happens when that technology fails and someone dies? Does the federal government get sued? Of course not -- you can't sue the federal government.

They're also looking at pill tracking technology, to communicate whether you've taken your pills or not. What if you don't take your pills? What then?

All of this promoted by the same people who complain that profiling airline passengers is too intrusive. How about wearing a medical device that's controlled by remote? How intrusive is that?

For folks who don't want government in our bedrooms, or in our reproductive organs, it's really strange to see them wanting government in our medicine cabinets.

It's inevitable that government healthcare will lead to more of this type of thing. We can't have joint responsibility for costs without some loss of individual responsibility and rights. Just can't happen.

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