Sunday, September 28, 2008

New Syllabi

Hey Everyone:

Don't forget that I've ended up with new syllabi for each class that incorporate new test dates and make-up days for Ike (see below). You can visit each course's Web site to pick up copies of the post-Ike revisions. I handed out the changes (one-page) in class last week (9/22 or 9/24).

Sunday, September 21, 2008

UHCL Makeup schedule for Ike -- my classes

To make up time for what we lost due to Ike, the administration at UHCL has determined that we need to have classes on Friday and Saturday. It's unofficial so far, but here's the schedule for my 4331 and 5133 classes.

Monday at 1PM will meet Friday 10/3 from 1-4

Monday at 7PM will meet Sat. 10/4 from 1-4

Wednesday at 7PM will meet Sat. 10/18 from 1-4

I will clarify as new info becomes available, but I suggest that folks keep Fridays and Saturdays flexible for the next two months.

Update: I've gotten some emails about this. I'll try to answer questions in class this week.

Friday, September 19, 2008

OK, so Ike came and went

Thanks to those folks who've emailed about our safety or lack thereof. We're fine. We evac'ed to Woodville TX and found out that they were under mandatory evac too, and they're going to be without power until 10/8 or so.

[Update: Some folks in Woodville and points west actually got power back on Friday 9/19, but that's mainly around the center of town. During our drive back from Woodville on Sat. 9/20 there was plenty of damage and quite a number of destroyed homes.]

Here, we lost some of the roof (so we have a blue tarp now) and the back fence, so we've spent all week working on that stuff. I never knew I could see so much from up on my roof! I can almost see where Kemah was! We've had some family here from parts outward, and we've had fun.

But seriously -- we'll have to reevaluate where we stand in class and make sure that we can make up for lost time. According to the ALMOST OFFICIAL UHCL disaster recovery plan, our lost class (from this past week) will be made up on Saturday, 10/18 from 1 to 4. We'll discuss in class on 9/24 the new schedule.

Note: Your other classes will have a makeup schedule too, so get ready. Saturday classes would appear to be the new norm.

I hope everyone is OK after the storm, and I'm looking forward to class next week.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ike is coming

See below for links to Ike cone and models. We'll be watching closely.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

5133 Readings Chapters Progress

I've had some questions about our progress (or lack thereof) through the material in 5133 on Wednesday nights. Hurr. Ike might make that class even tougher.

What we're going to do, I think, is move ahead with the financial structure stuff and the review next class (this week if we're here) but I'm going to start covering the Chapter 10, 11 and 12 stuff regardless of where we get in the preliminary stuff. What I'm afraid of is that folks aren't reading ahead and working the problems in 10, 11 and 12, and 14 for that matter, and that stuff can be tough. Plus, when we get to it we'll fly through it as a review.

Please, please don't bog down with the readings. Read as much as you can, up through 16 if possible. As soon as you can -- you may even have to read it twice to understand it, I know that I did. I'm STILL learning stuff every time I read a chapter. Please work problems and read ahead and let me know if you have questions, regardless of how far we get in class each week. Otherwise, things are going to come pretty fast and furious in a few weeks.

Good Luck Storming the Castle!

We'll have to see where Ike is in a few days, but if we get a consistent track it's a good bet that UHCL will be closed later this week for Act II of the "Texodus". Or not.

If we have to evacuate, at the least it will set our exams back a week. If we have more than just a run to the hills, all bets are off.

As always, we just have to wait and see.

Models are here:


Track cone is here:

Cone (5-day)

We'll have to see where we end up with this.